Continuous Integration with Hudson

Part 3: How To Install Hudson

Table of Contents
Part 1: Continuous Integration with Hudson
Part 2: Hudson Workflow and Plug-ins
Part 3: How To Install Hudson

How To Install Hudson

We'll use a Ubuntu but it should work for any Debian-based Linux and you can also install it on Windows. Both, Windows and Linux, are valid choices, it mostly depends what you need to build your project(s). Remember you can run Virtual Machines from Hudson.

Installing Hudson

$ wget -O /tmp/key
$ sudo apt-key add /tmp/key

$ wget -O /tmp/hudson.deb
$ sudo dpkg --install /tmp/hudson.deb

$ sudo aptitude update
$ sudo aptitude install hudson

You should be able to access your Hudson via http://localhost:8080 (or replace localhost by your server's IP). You can start/stop the service via `sudo service start`, `sudo service stop`.

WARNING: At this point, unless you've a firewall, anyone with an network access to your machine can possibly execute abritrary code (especially reading files).

It is important to quickly setups some user authentication unless your machine is only accessible from the LAN and that's your goal. Open your Hudson website, go on right to Manage Hudson, then Configure System, check Enable security and select one of the Access Control methods. Any should do for now as long as it requires to type a user and password in order to administrate Hudson or configure projects. For more details check-out Securing Hudson.

We'll come back on the security later. Let's first add our new project.

Building Your First Project

Return to your Hudson's home, and click on New Job on the right. Give a Job name (your project's short name), and select Build a free-style software project.

Now go on the right menu to Configure and we'll setups something again for PHP in this example.


— Werner BEROUX, updated on November 15, 2010

Parts: Previous12, 3