Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML and RUP
Part 3: Summary, going further, and remarks
Table of Contents |
Part 1: OOP, vocabulary, and UML
Part 2: Processes and Unified Process Part 3: Summary, going further, and remarks |
Design pattern
When you design you're going to face some recurrent problems that have recurrent solutions. The Design Patterns are a set of answers to the frequently encountered problems of design.
A summary of how to to do OOP (with RUP and UML):
- Capture the requirements (anyone including the user should undertand them).
- Analyse: Create/update the use cases; classify them and choose the most risky.
- For that use case, create a sequence diagram, update the class diagram.
- Design: Describe the whole use case in great details; find and associate the behaviours, add/update the diagrams.
- Implement the classes/changes.
- Tests.
- Check and refine the requirements and loop.
We have just seen the bases of object-oriented programming by first by defining in a formal way an object, a class, an attribute and a method. Then we could see how to represent the classes. And finally we flew over the Unified Process which enables us to use the UML and to make good and fast object-oriented programming.
All that enables us to create programs more robust, faster, easier to maintain, with a code easier to re-use.
However we only flew over each element without looking at them deeply. Now that you now what you may be missing and according to your current knowledge you can go further and look at the details.
Going further
- Wikipedia: Object_Oriented_Programming
- CRC Cards
- Agile modeling
- Wikipedia: Rational Unified Process
- Eclipse Process Framework (go to Downloads then OpenUP)
- Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction
- The most complete book that I know on programing. Everything from A to Z.
- UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language
- The reference for the UML.
- The Elements of UML 2 Style
- Very good book which gives easy ways to make good UML diagrams.
- The Rational Unified Process Made Easy: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP
- A very good guide for RUP, easy to read and clear, with concrete examples for all teams sizes.
- The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction
- Another good guide for RUP which speaks more in details about the various roles.
- Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process
- Eventho its title, this book deals mainly with the Unified Process and of how to apply it as well as the design patterns. It show in details the first possible iterations of a project.
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
- More well known as the Gang of Four (GoF); it is the reference as for design patterns.
Your comments
Send to me your comments and I will add them here.
-- Werner BEROUX, Updated on January 15, 2007